
Pattern Prep: The BurdaStyle Way – BurdaStyle Teaching Certification Course

So I enrolled in the BurdaStyle Teaching Certification Course by Meg Healey. It has been interesting so far. Learning the Burda way of doing things. Always a bit of a shock to my system for not doing things the way Mum did them. Also doing everything in inches because the course is American is a bit annoying too. I will survive though and probably learn a lot and get to pick and choose what I keep. This post is about the assignment 1 of the course related to Pattern Prep: The BurdaStyle Way.

Preparing the pattern

The course has gone through the 3 different ways to get a pattern from Burda ie Pattern Prep: The BurdaStyle Way

  • The BurdaStyle Magazine – These have great memories for me. Mum had a few when I was growing up, I still have them. I loved looking through them at the slightly quirky slightly German clothes
  • Draft-it-yourself patterns – Not as scary as they sound. Just draw up the shapes to the size they recommend on paper
  • Download digital patterns – I’m a little bit disappointed about the ones provided for the course they are for letter paper and we don’t have access to the A4 versions. I know from experience that it is possible to get most digital patterns in A4 as well. Just another Americanism that I have to cope with in the course.

So after I chose a method (in this case the pattern they want us to use for the assignment). The assignment pattern was a miniflap skirt, #117A from 02/2017. I printed the 10 pages of the pattern making sure that I choose ‘Actual size’ in the printer settings. Once I finished I checked the square to make sure it was the right size on the pattern piece. Yippee, it was correct. My 10cm by 10cm square was actually 10cm by 10cm. Win 1 for the day. I then proceeded to cut and stick together the pieces.

Cutting out the pattern in fabric

I looked in the stash and found a nice black and white patterned fabric. I used that to cut it out. Probably didn’t go as well as I would have liked. Annoying to have to add seam and hem allowance. Also, the fabric was stretchy and slippy so the straight lines weren’t so straight (whoops).

Grand Assignment 1 Completed

Anyway here is the image for the assignment. I haven’t made the skirt up yet but I’ve got everything together to make it happen. Even got an exposed zipper from Daiso.

Fabric all laid out and cut. Ready for construction. BurdaStyle #117A from 02/2017
Fabric all laid out and cut. Ready for construction. BurdaStyle #117A from 02/2017

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